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...ought to... ...следовало (бы)...

Форум  " Implications of the end-to-end principle":

What we need is a tsunami warning system not just for parts of Asia, but for anywhere in the world that might be subject to such conditions. And that decision about what beaches to protect ought to come not from Washington, D.C., or Jakarta, or any other capital city, but from the beach people, themselves. If you are concerned about a giant tidal wave taking out your village, it might be a good idea to build your own warning system, you retired engineer, you Radio Shack manager, you harbor master, you radio amateur, you nerd with a suntan. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " MovableType Plugin Developers":

Is the range I'm using for the created_on (in this case) inclusive? That is, will it include an entry if the timestamp is 20041011000000 or 2004235959? I ask because it would seem to me that it ought to - but it would also seem to me that it isn't. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " The Time Out for Families group":

Yesterday Thomas had to get bloodwork done yet again.And the girl who took his blood told him that she was in training and had to do so many hrs in taking blood and if he preferred someone else took his blood it would be ok.All he said as long as you don't hurt me like the one who did it last week.When we left he said she didn't hurt him but she was shaking like crazy.He said I ought to offer her some of my Vitamin E for the shakes.I simply told him shes probably nervous. I really am enjoying him these days.Its great to see his humor and compassion. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " WML and WMLScript programmers":

I agree, though it ought to include any WAP browsers that are supplied on PDAs (often as part of an HTML browser) as you might use this rather than maintaining separate HTML code for PDA (typically if they were not a very large part of your user base) Another difference between PDAs and phones is the software is downloadable so you can choose a better browser if you want, and get upgrades. Current phones are not field upgradeable, so once a buggy WAP browser gets out there it stays. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Arcology Discussion Group":

Unlike still popular opinions, wikis are not chaotic whiteboards where everyone erases his or her neighbours thoughts, but carefully evolving complex works. Wikipedia gives us a masterpiece example. However, Wikipedia only describes what IS: we need wikis that center around the ideas what OUGHT to be and how it can work. So allow me to draw a hypothetical table of content of such an arcology wiki: ... ( дальше )

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