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Если бы все учились плавать, так как учат языки, то все курорты рядом с водой бы разорились из-за неискоренимого страха перед водной гладью...


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Форум  " huntington's at risk - A place to talk about being at risk":

...who are our newest members to this Group. Welcome to your new HD Family, where we love to share ideas and what has happened in our lives in order to support you. Feel free to ask any questions you have as no question is a silly one. Should you need to vent we have broad shoulders and have lots of room for anyone to use. We all understand how you can hate this disease as none of us care for it either, but that doesn't mean we don't love our family member that has to live with it. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " IMO-News Mailing List":

World-wide meteor observations are collected in the Visual Meteor Database (VMDB). The global set of data is the only chance to obtain a full activity profile of a meteor shower. The input of all observers is greatly appreciated. In order to allow for a maximum scientific output of the VMDB, please have a look at the following recommendations ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Macromedia-Dreamweaver":

I suppose that graphic intensive sites are not really for the impatient anyway, I mean the idea is you visit in order to spend time "looking" and not flickering mindlessly soundbyte style from page to page ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " On line networking for professional managers of volunteer programs":

About the repetitive task group: it could be enough to just "move" the volunteer to another task, even temporarily. A typist can probably handle to take phone calls and vice versa. About the "doing too much" group: often "too much" is but a *perception*. I mean, a volunteer perceives s/he does too much whenever s/he can't find a reward in what s/he is doing. So for example, you are mentoring somebody and your mentee isn't responsive to your mentoring, so you try to do more, in order to feel your own effectiveness, and you burn out. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Co-Creating a World Where We All Win":

The latter two freedoms are not specifically mentioned in either the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. But they are goals of a society that in the Preamble to the Constitution declared "the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union:establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare:do ordain this Constitution:" If these four freedoms represent the goals of a democratic society, it will not be long before the collective goose of the world will be cooked. The present administration disregards each one of these four prescriptions for a world of freedom and peace ... ( дальше )

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