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...I think so... ...я так думаю...

Форум  " Scrum and RUP Users":

I think it makes sense as long as you "want" to continue to use RUP. If you "just" want to implement an agile, effective ecosystem (in the Highsmith' sense) I think you can leave RUP to those who prefer to have a plan that they will never respect :-) I know this statement might sound a fundamentalist one but I will try to explain why I think so ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Earth 2025":

UK Indymedia - another dead microbiologist. is this worrying? i think so . possibly more even than th 'type' actions and pressures thaT one recieves from the oil industry... ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Paleoprimatology & Human Evolution":

If the Yeti exist: If I was one I sure wouldn't come out. They know who WE are. WE kill animals with the fire stick, then jump with glee. WE cut right through trees with big noisy knives. WE chase them. What good could possibly come of befriending US? WE are the devil in THEIR mythology, appropriately so. Cat's eyes? Cannibals that eat their own children? I think not. Smart? I think so. Sentient? Certainly. Violent? I doubt it, unless cornered. The question remains: If they are here on Earth, where did they come from? Are they Homo *? ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Association of Werewolves - Are you a werewolf? Join the pack; park your tail.":

I think so Badger, I think so I just moved back to the area where I was born, surrounded by forestry and finding myself wandering the woods at strange times. I feel drawn to them ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " The Gospel of Thomas":

Yes, I think so. It's not that there are obstacles IN PRINCIPLE, it's that the way Q works, theologically and redactionally, is rather different from that of Thomas, and in ways that affect how the document can be analyzed. Q is especially susceptible to detailed redaction criticism, as I think Kloppenborg demonstrated in Formation, precisely because it is pretty tightly organized. In Q you can use the construction of extended elaborations, for example, to get at what the redactor was trying to accomplish. In Thomas you're usually (or least more often) stuck with a "primitive" form of the saying, with little redactional intervention, and ... ( дальше )

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