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Не молчи!
Speak English!
Дружественная рассылка
@ Английский для детей


Вчера вы сделали усилие - выдвигали догадки о названиях форума и проверяли их, читая описания.

А сегодня я вам предлагаю _подписаться_ на один форумов из вчерашнего выпуска.

На какой? На понравившийс.... по теме, по цвету, по описанию... не суть важно. Сегодня вы осваиваете процедуру подписки. Завтра "отказа" от форума.

Итак, щёлкайте по почтовой ссылке!

А пока ждете ответного письма от сервера, разберитесь с названиями форумов в этом выпуске.

Разобрались? Проверьте новую почту, ответ пришёл? Ответом отправьте подтверждение вашего желания присоединиться к форумы. А пока ждете письмо-приветствие от создателя форума, читайте описания форумов сегодняшнего выпуска.


...suggest... ...предлагать...

Форум  " gimpwin-dev":

Good choice, Lopster is one of most wonderful GTK+ apps around. I am only a newbie, but let me suggest you to use mingw instead of cygwin. On other hand I think that it may be difficult that you can recompile Lopster source "as is". I think you have better to investigate if there is a "win32 branch" of it, or you can read the source by yourself looking the need of patches. Good luck! ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " MATH for FUN - A place to post and work math problems.":

Sorry sorry sorry, my mistake, it was 1741, not 171, that was suggested as an answer, by rastaco1. So, why? Good question. In my opinion, he's mistaken. As I proved in my previous post, all scores in excess of 7*11=77 are makable. For example, 1741 = 7*13 + 11*150, and so is makable. Furthermore, I think his claim of there being an infinite number of unmakable positive integral scores is false ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Media Squatters":

Quite personally, I would not like to have to receive the mail in my inbox, but there are 363 other votes out there... I would suggest, however - given the silence of 300+ - that many people subscribe to the "No email. Don't send me email, I'll read the messages at the Web site" (and probably rarely do). ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Newsfeeds from around the world!":

FoaF's use of a hash is that it's applied only as an 'identifier'. It's not a signature and it's not expected to be decoded. It's an e-mail address that's been SHA1 encoded using the e-mail address itself as a key. This is different than the whole public/private key concept. In that situaion the hash would be the result of signing a string with a private key, resulting in a publicly viewable hash. Which would only be decodable by having the private key. I'm not suggesting we scale up into that whole situation for this purpose. There's value to a discussion on signed XML but that's fodder for another thread. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " The Time Out for Families group":

I'm not sure if your daughter's dx is ADHD, but it sounds like it. Unfortunately, many teachers don't really understand that the ADHD brain functions differently and no amount of threats or punishments will make them remember things or be more organized. They can get better at this through practice, training and help, not punishment. I suggest you try to find some resources online or in books regarding any and all of your daughter's dx and bring copies of the most compelling evidence with you when you speak to the principal. I can understand why you must be soooo frustrated since they just don't get it. Good luck, we're all behind you! ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Bioelectromagnetics Discussion Group":

If as suggested below, there is a 'higher mode' that produces electrosensitivity and/or magnetosensitivity (maybe depending on physiology/anatomy) and there is a 'normal mode' which most people's physiology/anatomy sustain, is there also a 'lower mode' that some people's physiology/anatomy sustain; could these people be autistic?? depressed?? whatever depending on whereabouts in the body this is happening?? ... ( дальше )

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1. Ничего не понимаю.
2. Форумы для тех,
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3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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