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Скоро праздники ударного труда на фазендах. И всем рабам и рабыням необходимо запастись распечатками дискуссий в форумах страниц так на 50-100.

Для этого на любой странице форума ищете слева ссылку "Messages". Как только на экране появляется строчка View: Simple | Summary | Expanded останавливаете загрузку страницы и щелкаете по "Expanded". В результате на одной странице у вас будет 30 последних сообщений. С помощью ссылки "Previous" в той же строке пролистайте дискуссии назад во времени. Не забывайте сохранять и распечатывать.


...both... ...и тот и другой...

Форум  " 299":

e-mail address", but with no clarity for format. The Userland documentaiton is similarly vague, but the examples show "user@d... (Full name)" as valid. Looking back in the list archives, I see this was discussed on 24 Feb, and it would be great if the comments and justifications from there could be expressed in the Userland spec, the RFC, or both. At the very least, it would give later implementers an idea of what to expect in these fields and how they might wish to handle them. (Or a caution not to.) Great work! Looking forward to the publication. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Big Stars 2 Me":

.anyways I plan on updating both the group and the website. I'm going to be adding pictures of all or most of the guys. Depends on if I can find them all. For the website I'm expanding it to not only contain information on Comrie, Smyth and Brewer but all the Oil guys. I'm also going to be adding wallpapers soon also. If any of you know how to make wallpaper and would like them displayed on the website let me know and I'll be more than happy to display them for you. I have wallpapers that I've collected from ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Film Talk UK":

There are three things that become apparent by their American/Englishman abroad status. First is that they exist in the society, but they are not part of it. Thus whereas the rise of Nazism is an ongoing and major issue for everyone else (whatever their particular position), both 'Minelli' and 'York' can afford to either see it as another aspect of the local colour (Minelli), or just a bunch of idiots who you can argue and brawl with in the street (York). For everyone else however it is a lot more serious leaving only the options of being intimidated or a vociferous advocate. The second point is the 'Kryptonite Syndrome'; namely away from their own planet, they gain superhuman powers, they wouldn't have at ... ( дальше )

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The photos are in color and pretty impressive if the camera will do what it says it will do. My question is do any of you know anything about this camera? It is scheduled to come out mid October (Now). Can you folks give me the pros and cons of both. Meade's camera is half the price and in color. Any feedback would be appreciated. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " soapbuilders":

4) Since the rpc wrapper element is namespace qualified, the individual part elements don't need to be. Since elements directly in the soap:body must be ns qualified, with doc/lit you have to qualify them even if their schema has them unqualified. Anyway, I really like rpc/literal. XMLBus does currently support it (both client and server) and I would like to see it more widely used. ... ( дальше )

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Рассылку ведет Анна Фарг

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1. Ничего не понимаю.
2. Форумы для тех,
у кого только почта
3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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