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Не молчи!
Speak English!
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@ Английский для детей


Не буду углубляться в технические аспекты функционирования сети, но факт остается фактом, даже если у Вас почта стоит столько же сколько доступ к вебу, в итоге получение новых сообщений по почте (почтовой программой!!!) будет в несколько раз дешевле, чем читать в браузере. Даже с учетом вчерашнего совета.

А распечатывать станет удобней, если Вы смените режим подписки на режим дайджеста. Для этого нужно к имени(не путать с названием) форума дописать без кавычек "-DIGEST@yahoogroups.com", и отправить на этот адрес любое (пустое) письмо.


...header... ...заголовок...

Форум  " Asha Ecommerce/Merchandise":

interest to a majority of the Subscribers of the list can be posted to the list. (b) Personal communications must not be posted on the Mailing List. Such communications should be directed to the person involved. (c) Obscene, threatening, or insulting postings are not permitted. Messages that make derogatory references to a person or persons based on his/her/their gender, religion/religious beliefs, race/culture/ethnicity, national origin, political beliefs, skin color, or sexual orientation are not permitted. (d) Chain letters should not be forwarded to the list except those that are relevant to the Subscribers of the list and/or require action on their part. (e) Forwarded mails from other lists and emails with informational content must be preceded by a short header summarizing the relevance of the email to the Mailing List. (f) File attachments are discouraged. If you want to send any attachment (or even very large plain-text emails), ple ase use the "Files" section of the mailing List or it should be posted on some web page and a pointer to it should be included in the posting. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " For genealogy research, queries and assistance in locating information on ancestors who were from areas of the former Austria-H":

John Doe sends a post to the SMITH-L Mailing List. John Doe's system is NOT infected. Every one of the 2,000+ users of the SMITH-L Mailing List receives a copy of John's email. One of these users, let's call him Bill Smith, has the W32/Badtrans@MM virus on his system. Now, Bill has a copy of John's email in his Outlook program. He doesn't read it right away. He reboots his computer and, when Windows restarts, the virus looks through Bill's email in Outlook. It sends a reply to the sender of EVERY unread email, AND attaches a copy of itself as a separate attachment. It copies all the original headers, including those that show the email came through SMITH-L@r.... Then John, the original sender of the email, receives a "reply" to his email, from Bill. John looks at the email and sees that it is a reply to his original post. He also sees SMITH-L@r... in several of the headers. As far as he's concerned, he ha s received a normal reply back through the Mailing List. If John is a "newbie", one of two things happen: ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " WSDL Forum":

One would have to look at the operation name of the request to determine the correct method call to utilize in these two requests has the SOAPAction headers are identical. This does not trouble me for rpc. However this is extremely troublesome for a WSDL document that is mixed with rpc and document types inside the same binding. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " MPC500":

Try creating a *very* simple model, making sure that you select ert.tlc as the system target file. Do not even bother with the MPC555 blockset yet. Just something like an in port connected to a gain, connected to an outport. Look at the files that are created. Specifically, you will find a %modelname%.c, %modelname%.h, and a couple other header files. The code in these files correspond to the model you created. One thing you can do is to now take this C file that was just created, and move it over to your CodeWarrior environment. You probably have to drag several header files along with it, the generated ones, as well as maybe a couple others; rtwtypes.h comes to mind. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " REST Discussion Mailing List":

From what I read in their documentation, they allow the GET to hang until a new message arrives in the JMS queue, or until a timeout occurs, in which case the client would call GET again. The problem is that each call to GET could potentially return a new message. The GET has side-effects, and is therefor not RESTful. I was wondering if the inclusion of an acknowledgement header, an "ack", would allow side effects in this way.... ( дальше )

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Рассылку ведет Анна Фарг

FAQ of the newsletter.
( получить по почте )

1. Ничего не понимаю.
2. Форумы для тех,
у кого только почта
3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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Код этой рассылки: job.lang.en4talk

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