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...hence... ...следовательно...

Форум  " I Did Not Get My Email":

In my opinion that's similar to what happens when we entrust spam filtering to an ISP, 3rd party software, or an opt-in licensing agent to make decisions as to what is and is NOT unwanted email. (And notice the use of the word 'unwanted', hence some non-spam email may still be unwanted, as is most spam email.) I'm in full agreement regarding your concern with false-positives. Unfortunately, with many of today's spam filtering solutions, the hazard of false-positives is always going to be an issue since there is no technology that is 100% accurate. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " ScoutRadio":

I have not been able to transfer the old registrations to the new site as the database structure has changed - hence everybody will need to re- register, including current users. Apologies for this, but it really is out of my hands as it was imperative that we updated the software, and I'm not competent enough with encrypted databases to be able to be able to transfer the data safely! ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " lambengolmor":

Hence I think the two sounds occurring in _Quendi_ and _Yavanna_ are not two variants of one invariant /i/ -- the vocalic [i] is an independent phoneme from [y], just as [w] is independent from [u], there being no correlation between them in "The Etymologies" or elsewhere. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Self Programming Language":

See my main problem with graphical user interfaces is that they are based on Euclidean geometry. My algebraic-geometric modeling is based on symmetry groups of the plane and the dotless plane (similarity symmetry groups and conformal symmetry groups). And of course the underlying algebra is textual transformable into geometric groups. This is cool! Likewsise graph theory where we also have planar graphs. Hence I would like to mimic this in a collaborative aware architecture. Of course the (hermeneutic = dialogue, chat, game) nature of the Self language matches my artistic needs. However I think there are too many things implicit in the programming environment. I know nothing about Motif but to pick up ready stuff sounds nasty. Of course ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " This list is for serious discussion of the ideas of Kant. It has been used mainly for slow reading of the 1st Critique.":

One can answer this critically by reflecting on the faculties in which the noumenal and phenomenal are represented, Reason and the Understanding respectively. As the domain, merely of Reason, the noumenal (with its objects represented as things in themselves) is represented supersensible, and hence outside the domain of what we can know, ie., the phenomenal (with its objects viewed as appearances). If the representations of Reason and the Understanding are conjoined, one is claiming to know (through the Understanding) what one can merely think (or reflect upon) through reason. If one conjoins Practical Reason with the Understanding one is claiming to know, through the Understanding, what one can only postulate, through practical reason. In either case the effect is to claim that one has, as a human being, the capacity reserved for God. For God automatically creates what he merely thinks, through his putative capacities of 'intellectual intu ition' or intuitive understanding or divine understanding. A human being can only reflect ... ( дальше )

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1. Ничего не понимаю.
2. Форумы для тех,
у кого только почта
3. А как насчёт слов посложнее?
4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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