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A Dell technician advised his customer to put his troubled floppy back in the drive and close the door. The customer asked the tech to hold on and was heard putting the phone down, getting up and crossing the room to close the door to his room.


...tried... ...пытался, пыталась...

Форум  " Spectrasonics Discussion Group":

I have tried for two weeks now and I can't get off this list. Please help! Just click on "Leave the group" link and voila. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Home of the Best Fans of the WNBA":

Maybe Nikki shouldn't have turn the ball over at the end of the first half - leading to a Sparks' three pointer. (That three pointer was ultimately the difference, y'know) Maybe Nagy should've tried to force a pass rather than take the shot. Maybe, maybe, maybe.... ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " AspClassicAnyQuestionIsOk":

Currently i am handling a online booking system. My problem is one of the page in this site got two drop down menu. For your information the value of the second menu depend on the value of the first menu.This both menu linked to two different table in the same database. Primary key of the first table linked to the second table. I have tried to develop the page but there is always got error. I really need help because i need to submit the system soon. I hope member of this board can help me. Thanks in advance. I will really appreciate your help. Below i have paste the code that i have used to develop the page. Have a look and please help me or atleast give your comments. Bye ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Live Action Roleplayers Association":

Why is there not much crossover? Because most Vampire gamers are closet LARPers, or only comfortable with their home group. What's the one setting that their home group has already agreed on? The World of Darkness (WoD). When I tried to propose running a different setting, there were a number of objections; each time I proposed a different setting, different people objected because they didn't like that particular setting. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " EmMail":

No doubt, Miss Emily lived within a stone's throw of her final resting place, knew it, and thought about it a lot--as witnessed by her youthful Letter 86, of 1852, in which she wrote when 20-years old: "I tried to think how I should look with my eyes shut, and a _little white gown_ on [italics mine!]...I'm a naughty, bad girl to say such sad things...but I think of the grave very often." Underscore that! She was 20! And now, in 1859, she "manufactures" in booklet 3 Poem 216 when she was 28!!!!!!!! It "DEVELOPS" the same theme! In 1858 Miss Emily began to write hundreds of poems ... ( дальше )

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