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...always... ...всегда...

Форум  " The Logan TIMES-Independent":

I hope all of you have gotten a great start to your summer but remember clients don't take summer breaks. As always you are invited to stop by the office to visit and/or volunteer. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " MARRIED PEOPLE'S PENPAL CLUB - A place for married people":

My 10 y.o., though, has to be prompted through all of the morning routine. He doesn't get out of bed until I yell out to him, despite the fact that his alarm has been going off for 5 minutes. He gets in the shower, but unless I say "soap", he just gets wet. He always has to be sent back to his room for not making his bed, and while all of us are moving out the door to head to the bus stop, he is still trying to find his shoes. None of this is unexpected from a 10 y.o. But eventually, he should learn the pattern of getting himself ready in the morning, simply because he has done it over and over and over. I do believe that kids CAN learn to do "chores" that need to be done again and again. I believe that they only do the things that they WANT to do. Heck, even some adults do ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Vim (Vi IMproved) text editor users list":

This is somewhat "stream of consciousness", but, I used to have trouble when a make failed and then I changed something (like the make file or config.h or some important thing like that) and then tried to pick up where the make left off. What I always do is 'make clean ; make configure ; make' The middle step is not totally needed, but I like to see what configure did before jumping into the make process, since I used to have trouble finding my ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Radio UserLand support mail list":

Brian, I share your desire. I've always thought it would be hard to be a DJ, but once I had the ability to double-click to add a song to the rotation, I realized it could be easy. I still want better ways to organize the music. What's on the home page of Radio UserLand is a vision statement. I believe we have all the technology to be able to broadcast playlists, but the music must reside at every playing location. Until the music industry stops suing technology companies for solving problems that users want solved. Otherwise it would be a no-op, we'd publish the software and then get sued out of existence. So treat the "share your creations" theme literally. We enable that, but we don't enable sharing ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Biblical Textual Criticism":

this is the text all (or almost all) manuscripts have, and that is 'utterly inconsistent', so that conjectural emendation is needed. Markland's conclusion however is thought-provoking (always as quoted by Bowyer): '... IOUDAIWN, or IOUDAIOU, will, I believe, be found, upon more accounts than one, utterly inconsistent, with the sense of the place. But though I think IHSOU undoubtedly right, yet I would publish IOUDAIOU according to the Mss.' In any case, Bentley must probably be considered as the Urheber of the conjecture IHSOU, whereas Markland seems willing to accept both IHSOU ad TWN IHSOU. In this sense, the information in NA27 is not entirely correct. There are, by the way, some interesting differences to be noted between NA25, NA26 and NA27 as far as this conjecture is concerned ... ( дальше )

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1. Ничего не понимаю.
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4. А где перевод цитат?
5. Не могли бы вы помещать транскрипцию и звуковой файл ?

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