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...response... ...ответ...

Форум  " For discussion of Nikola Tesla history, inventions, and coil design and construction techniques":

My tests varify what you are saying, but let me ask you this...Does the bifilar coil also "magnify" the current? Or is it really just a new way to use the "transformer" type reduction or increase, solely based on the number of turns ratio. I am very curious about this and would like to know more info. I have searched and read about bifilar windings and how tesla said that they held on the order of 250k times more energy than a normal coil. As is stated in his patent on bifilar coils. If it magnifies the field strength of the bifilar winding then I should be able to get a good increase in voltage by adjusting the wraps on a secondary, but in any case, I await for your response. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " CreativeNRG Web Development Community":

I responded because of your response to another person who said she found the animation distracting and you said no one else said so. So I did. Also I am on a T1 line and someone else with DSL said it was slow as well. So I am not attacking your site just trying to give constructive feedback on certain elements and as a web developer I do have the patience to sit through downloads but within reason. And I really think your sarcastic response was not necessary since you solicited opinions from the group. That's why people don't like to respond to requests like that. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " ASCOM Initiative Discussion List":

The response to an unsupported SetupDialog is in the same category as above. It should be ignored or it should always popup something (even an About box with the ASCOM logo, of course). An exception should not be the result. For reference, both the Telescope and Focuser standards do not specify an exception if the SetupDialog isn't supported. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Should humanity continue to propagate, or phase itself out?":

Better? I think so. I don't like your vitriolic responses, and I felt you needed to be told to shut up... and in fact I felt you had just been told so. You don't seem to agree. So once more, shush ... ( дальше )

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I was talking to Richard (Berger) earlier this evening,who asked "My God... they wouldn't make noises like that if it were your everyday garden variety child molester"... makes you think. What on earth did "wrestling" ever do? I personally feel that responding to the ignorance exhibited by the most respected representatives in the news sector is beyond reprimand, and is aided none by an immature response from us wrestling fans and supporters of Governor Ventura. So, as a sweeping statement I feel it's only just to say "screw CNN and screw their wussie world dominance in the news and information sector"! ... ( дальше )

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