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Another AST customer was asked to send a copy of her defective diskettes. A few days later a letter arrived from the customer along with photocopies of the floppies.


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Форум  " How to make a living as a travel writer. Writing discussions and tips. Write to travel. Finding markets that pay $$. Writers.":

If this sounds interesting and fun for you, come have a look at www..удалено..com and if you are a crime fiction fan and like to get something for nothing, then go for the free download ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " Hybrid Toyota Prius E-mail Group":

Even the newest cars DO produce _LOTS_ of black smoke, if the driver floors it; and since most transmissions around here are manual, most cars also produce black smoke with each gear shift, since no-one really hits the right rpms for the new gear. In Austria, about 60% of new cars are sold with Diesel engines, and about 40 to 45% of the cars on the street use diesel engines... When you drive, you don't have to read something like TD (bmw), TDI (vw), DIDT (mazda), D (mercedes) to know, which car is a diesel; you just have to look at the exhaust pipe during acceleration - the particles are ALWAYS visible with a diesel. ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " wsdl":

Are there WSDL verification tools that can look at my WSDL and spot logical errors in it and tell me what I've done wrong? ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " COM Developers":

There are some ways to resolve your problem. The simplest one is to write an additional dll wich will contain global variable (reference to s1 class instance) and two exported functions to get and set the reference. s1 class must register itself in additional medium dll by setting global reference value and s2 will be able to get it at any time. On other hand you can also take a look at Running Objects Table and Monikers technology (but it is more complicated than first way). ... ( дальше )

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Форум  " SKEPTIC Discussion Group":

Ah, but was their definitive evidence that the Wiseguy was correct because of some strange power, or were they expressing an ``opinion'' that turned out to be right? For example, I might cast sticks each morning and read my fortune (I don't, but for the sake of argument I might) knowing full well there is no magic, but looking for another way to look at a problem. The hint might be correct, it might even be the hint needed to solve the crime, even if it was done by prosaic means. Anyway, I watch none of the programs you mentioned, so I can't comment on the writing. ... ( дальше )

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